Othniel Doolittle, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Othniel Doolittle is the CMO for Integritas. He also serves as the Medical Director at several of the EDs in our partner hospitals. His commitment to his clinical responsibilities is evidenced by his dedication to serving as a fulltime physician working numerous ED and hospitalist shifts throughout the year so that he can continue to support our providers with experience and compassion.
He is med-peds trained, focusing on critical care and ED during his training. His clinical experience includes numerous clinical hours working as a Hospitalist and in the Emergency Room. His clinical experience, coupled with his interest in leadership, led to several directorships.
Dr. Othniel is passionate about the value of educating and coaching our providers and directors. He believes keeping our providers abreast of the latest medical information, procedures and research will serve to benefit our hospitals and their communities. Opportunities to make systems more efficient are amongst his favorite challenges.
He loves to spend time with his wife, who he describes as his rock and greatest support, and their 6 kids! When he manages to find free time, his hobbies include woodworking and home projects.